The fact of the matter is that Sturgron is way out her depth. She is certainly not in control and will never be. Her mouth is her saviour and that is all about independence and relies on the media and the gullible not to question her ability.. Her team are absolute amateurs being led by an activist that has no clue how to govern. Scotland will always be on the back foot whilst she and SNP are in power. A very good article but unfortunately falls on deaf ears across Scotland the Scottish TV and the majority of the media. We can all live in hope that people wake up to these fraudsters.

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Absolutely outstanding, Stephen - hitting a boxful of nails on the head.

I have said for long that the SNP is not a governing party. It is an agit prop campaigning party. Its biggest enterprise is its mammoth propaganda department. It seems to think that propaganda - which is invariably based on lies and distortions - is what will win it the support it needs, whereas you are correct in saying that good governance would have been much more effective. Perhaps pro-U.K. people have dodged a bullet - the SNP’s incompetence has protected us.

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Very good. Can’t argue with any of that.

It would be interesting to read a coherent counter-argument but I expect we will get the usual hysteria.

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I don't believe a coherent counter-argument exists. Not because I don't want to to believe it but the facts cannot accommodate such a suggestion. We are being administered very badly by what is no more than a delinquent council; albeit a large and very costly one. Were it not for the requirement that public service employees (and private) generally attend for a day's work in return for their salaries whether out of a sense of duty, honesty, work ethic or just plain habit we would long since have become the un-developed and decaying third-world chaotic mess for which the SNP would have constantly blamed the Union.

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Excellent article. With such an abysmal record the unionist politicians in Westminster really should be highlighting each scandal on the floor of the House of Commons - including the Gupta one which Stephen doesn’t mention. Instead, they let Blackford, and the mediocrities around him, castigate the UK government day by day. It’s time for some two-way traffic both as a means of highlighting the poor Holyrood performance and to prepare the way for more of the Westminster funding bypassing Sturgeon’s grip.

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Excellent article, Stephen. I voted No in 2014 because the white paper, Scotland’s Future, simply didn’t convince me of the merits of independence. Eight years on I wouldn’t support it under any circumstances because of the incompetence, nastiness and division wrought on the country I love by a bunch of political dwarves led by a woman who can’t even support her own sex. The sooner we see the back of her and her cult the brighter will be Scotland’s proper future. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇬🇧

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I agree with this article and the arguement that the snp are a protest movement and not a government. As a protest movement they have gained power but without any real talent at any level. Most people in scotland have no idea who there snp MP or MSP or councillor is and thats because they are mostly dull and not very clever people who have no idea what governing is all about. Its a highly centralised movement that brooks no disent from the narrow party line.

They have proved the premise that they cannot govern but the truth is or the irony is if they had they would have achieved wide spread support and reached their goal

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'dull and not very clever'. Essential SNP attributes.

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Thank you Stephen ,you seem to be the only voice of the media let's hope Snp are finished before Scotland is !😁

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Absolutely, the SNP are not interested in governing and for that reason they have been, are and forever shall be incompetent at that.

However, I think the reason they are bad at governing is because it doesn't matter haw badly things are run, their core vote doesn't shift, so they keep winning election after election; indeed the worse things get, the better for te SNP. There is just no incentive for them to do things differently.

There was an interesting article on UnHerd about South Africa yesterday; as I was reading it I though that it could well be describing Scotland in a few years' time.

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Yes, this pretty much sums up the SNP, again! The key point I think is if the past 15 years are anything to go by, then as Stephen says, why would anyone think their record in government would commit you to trusting them in running an independent Scotland?

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Great factual observation thanks for your time and effort producing this article

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Why does Daisley never write on a something that challenges Tories properly to really think. Liz Truss is going to be the leader of the UK and the Tory party. A laughing stock followed by a dead eyed stooge of the extreme right. This is Great Britain now.

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I don’t know what else Daisley writes about in the DM because I don’t read it. I agree, though, the Conservative leadership contest has come down to an admin chap against a woman whose talents I can’t quite see. They should have opted for Badenoch with Sunak restored to the Treasury.

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Bore someone else.

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If I agree with you, you get bored. If I argue with you, you get terribly upset. What are you doing here, Andrew?

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Where the SNP govern on a devolved matter they generally do it very well, outdoing Tory England on most measures which are fully devolved with some ease. This article repeats the same old bought and paid for Daily Mail journalism… what a bore. When the Tories have degenerated so, so much of what England used to be into a shadow of its formal self, I think Stephen should turn his attention to the conduct and record of his masters instead.

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I don’t agree that the SNP govern better than UK in any Department. In health, transport (except ferries) policing, perhaps no worse but in education and administration of justice they are well behind England. I can’t speak for Wales or NI.

Ignore the ridiculous parliamentary set pieces of PM’s and FM’s Questions and watch committee business. The difference in competence between Westminster and Holyrood reflects badly on Holyrood members.

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This is key. Parliamentary business in Westminster is parliamentary business: not government business. The ability of MPs to scrutinise and censure is critical. Combined with the lords it kind of works.

And the civil service relationship seems completely different. The fact that Whitehall is a constant battleground between government intention and institutional inertia may be a frustration but it protects the general public and means for some better governance.

Something is seriously awry at Holyrood where none of the above is the case. I do think the Devo settlement has some honking great big flaws which the SNP have exploited. How this gets corrected without a non SNP administration is for the birds.

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