All political careers end in failure. The end is nigh for Nic.

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Hopefully the current crop of playground politicians, who have deliberately stifled our national contribution to the greater good, will soon be replaced by grown-ups: is there a need to address the nature of political parties and their tendency to elevate these self indulgent messiahs, who see the electorate as useful pawns

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I would like to see less talk about independence and more emphasis on their agenda of breaking up the U.K.

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A great article thanks. It gets so confusing reading rumours. Good to read facts. Hopefully the electorate will see through her.

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Another good article. Yes she wants yet again to take the heat off her and blame Westminster and Tories. Surely the public have to see through it all.

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The Conservatives could avoid the bear trap Sturgeon is trying to set if one or more Scottish citizens had the legal standing to challenge the Holyrood legislation - a Gina MacMillar exercise. But I am not sure whether the Courts would accept a challenge from such a source.

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This article is perhaps the most misleading yet. The SNP victory and added to it the performance of the Greens, 31 down for unionists, 38 up for Indy parties from an already dominant position is astonishing. Making a meal out of marginal victories for unionist parties is all part of the right’s post truth approach to describing reality.

This really isn’t journalism. Just propaganda.

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