I found this story describes the fm exa

Calypso for what she is .I add she is a dangerous woman.I’m a worker and scared o the pandemic I’m scared to go out .I don’t go out for fear of infection and nicola sturgeon manifests that fear out of proportion for me she’s made me even more frightened .and Stephen describes her and her party to a t.the damage to people’s mental health by her John swinney and humzza yusaff or me brings fear and alarm you can see the party are frightened of this bully .and the whole party has the same agreie put down manner .she said the other ay boris Johnstone made Douglas Ross look like a peice of dirt on his shoe that’s the way she and her party ale me feel .I’ve worked hard to try and build my confidance up but fm a

N take that away in a second as though me and the rest of scottish voters are being a uicance to her she can’t even be bothered. Talking to us we’re so beneath her .that’s how she makes me feel and what Stephen writes about her is so realistically true without being rude or nasty just the right way of describing an obnoxious person and the party without being nasty about it .

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Beautifully written sharply and accurately portrayed . Alas there seems no way to defeat this regime

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Well pointed out and sturgeon disrespect will only help her downfall.

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Brilliant piece, especially about Yousoff the truth juggler. You can see him caught on BBC TV with that approach to facts in this film about the Hate Crime Bill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kFam_JUqOA&t=658s

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One of your best yet!

Nail, meet head…

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Fantastic a journalist who can speak the truth for once we need more like hime.

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