From your lips to Douglas Ross’ /Boris Johnson’s ears! I can’t understand why Conservative government has allowed Sturgeon to perpetuate the myth that an indyref is imminent. She should be slapped down and told in no uncertain terms that there is not going to be any referendum. Maybe she’ll then be forced to actually govern Scotland. Douglas Ross should swallow his pride and welcome the Prime Minister to Scotland. Ross only gave the Nationalists more ammunition against UK Government by his undue haste to declare Boris guilty. Let the nationalists know that Prime Minister of UK is PM for all of UK whether they like it or not.

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Douglas Ross needs to grow up and show his support for the Prime Minister of our United Kingdom.

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I agree . It’s put up or shut up . This death by a thousand cuts is damaging Scotland no end . We have been set in aspic for 14 years and no progress has been made on any front . In fact we have gone into reverse .They can’t even finish two ferries , on the very Clyde for God’s sake . No sooner than the UK announces some good news eg the prospect of two freeports in Scotland the Greens pop up and state that they ought to be Greenports , whatever that is and that they don’t want them anyway . The moment the uncertainty and division of the neverendum is lifted for good Scotland will begin to thrive as never before .

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I totally agree with the content of this article.

Basically the First Minister of Scotland is a bully and needs a firm hand, any sign of weakness would be exploited.

The PM needs to show that IndyRef2 isn’t going to happen and he needs to make sure that in law it cannot happen without the consent of the U.K. Government.

There are more Unionists than those wishing to leave the Union and despite propaganda to the opposite, not everyone is anti Conservative. Many are appalled by Douglas Ross’s rant against the PM.

People are now coming to the realisation that we are better out of the EU and that Britain can do very well without them.

Independence and the EU are a package as far as the FM is concerned but not so the people.

The PM needs to show that with the U.K. comes prosperity and all that goes with it.. Good education and prospects for our young people. Well paid and reliable employment opportunities. Improved infrastructure. An improved NHS.

Bullies must be met with strength and conviction, don’t give an inch.

As for Starmer challenge him to show his cards but never trust that he may not have a card up his sleeve, he has shown himself to not be a man of honour and that he is prepared to fight dirty to get the upper hand.

The PM is a clever man, if he uses his wits all can be overcome.

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It is also time to check the accounts of the Scottish government, and find out where all the money truly goes to and when there at it see if they can find the missing funds?

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Great piece. Inspiring but exasperating as nothing is being done. Scotland has lost its voice, only SNP seem to have the monopoly of decision making regarding print in the press word on the box. You can see it for yourself. Scot/Gov too run free rein with policies, bills and chills of draconian powers to rule a separate Scotland. WM need to open their eyes. There are Scottish people who don’t want to be part of this so called freedom drive by SNP and disgraceful Greens who are not really green. We need to be heard and Johnston needs to listen.

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Boris has more personality than Sturgeon ever has , Douglas Ross is a disappointment ,just look at the poor debating in Holyrood a lifeless affair compared to Westminster ,time for Boris to shut the dump down and find out where all the money is !

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Spot on. The FM needs facing with strength, she is a bully and has to have firm handling.

There are more Unionists than those wishing to leave the Union and folk now realise that we are better out of the EU.

The PM needs to show that IndyRef2 is no longer a threat and equally so rejoining the EU is a none event.

Hints are no good to a person like the FM, nor is being weak and giving in, she would exploit that weakness.

Now is the time to make a stand and make it very clear that independence isn’t going to happen and to show how Scotland can prosper in the United Kingdom.

If the PM makes a stand, the majority of Scottish people will be behind him, show the leadership that Scotland is sadly lacking.

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Hello Stephen, I always enjoy your on point and erudite reporting. Thank you. cheers. I especially enjoy the comments from a well informed citizenry? There is hope.

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The movement of the right wing in British politics to becoming an English version of the Nazi Party seems to continue.

Next we’ll see anyone who disagrees with the idea of remaining in a failing union forced to wear a St Andrews cross.

Desperate, desperate times for democracy and freedom of thought in the new disUnited Kingdom.

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Earth calling John.

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There must be no more democracy in Scotland no matter which and how many votes are cast for pro independence parties. Treat Scotland like an English shire. Deny its nationhood and threaten it with the firm hand of might England’s power…

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British Nationalism rolling around in its own nasty filth here. Good to see its true anti Scottish, anti democracy red and white colours so clearly demonstrated. Would be Englishmen like Daisley are even worse than the true English Nationalists with Jockholme syndrome pulsing away in his lost soul.

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that wasn't verbal tripe at all.

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