This so - called government seem intent on passing what might be termed ‘easy legislation ‘ ie items they can pass easily , matters which cost little or no money and all of which give the impression that the SG is working hard on our behalf …..it’s a gross form of deflection . But get them to sort out the ‘big’ things that really matter like the Health Service , drug deaths , ferries etc ….and they are nowhere to be seen .

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emailed several MSP,s on subject of the Gender Reform, didn’t even acknowledge email, sadly that’s not a one off , I think they forget it’s the people who vote them into position , another great read

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Excellent piece addressing a very serious weekends in our detached, unrepresentative and devolved, pretendy, dictatorial, undemocratic, wastefully expensive single chamber parliament.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Yes, whatever, but at every election the SNP keeps winning, so clearly for the electorate everything is just fine. For this reason, I don't think anyone can complain about a theoretical "democratic deficit".

One thing for sure, though: for me the (small p) parliament in Edinburgh feels 1000 times more remote than the (big P) one in London.

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So,Stephen,what is to be done?I have a number of friends,ex Labour voters,who would like to vote SNP but feel completely alienated by the current Leadership's agenda.As your article illustrates they are not alone.Holyrood is a hectoring Parliament which seems to view the citizenry as a threat and entirely unable to lead their own lives without Political diktat.

The Conservatives are complicit in this with their lacklustre opposition and,often,support for many "progressive" measures.My mind is drawn immediatelly to the appalling tirade Humza Yousaf gave as Justice Minister on 10/06/2020 during which he proceeded to berate Scotish Society on the basis of how few non white people there are in positions of power.We were all "treated" to a display of critical race theory in practice complete with every intellectual lacuna in full view.The Conservatives?Silent.Not one word of protest.Yes,this is a sensitive subject and opposition could open them to the familiar charges of "Racists!!" etc etc.I understand that however,in my view,they should have left the chamber and refused to see their fellow Scots smeared by this foolish Politician on the flimsiest basis.They might have gained some respect if they had done that.

Of course the Lib Dems and Labour were silent too.Unfortunately they are often more enthusiastic for "progressive" measures than the SNP. The Greens?Dear God.So,the questions stands-what is to be done?

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Well stated Stephen ,all they do are make promises that are never kept ,then important things like COVID enquiry are kicked into long grass hoping we forget all about them .

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One notes that the actual factual details of the legislation have been omitted. Almost as though facts would get in the way of unionist propaganda…

Why aren’t Scots good enough to run a highly successful independent small nation when so many other peoples are?

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